You might be under the impression that a greenhouse is only for an avid gardener. You definitely aren’t alone in your thinking, but this isn’t necessarily true. Anyone can benefit from one no matter if you’re just starting out or a professional. 

Here are a few reasons why a greenhouse can benefit you. 

Tips for greenhouses

10 Reasons Why You Need A Greenhouse

A greenhouse can be the most beneficial purchase you make this year. Gardening is much easier with one after all. Here’s how it can benefit you. 


1. You can grow plants all year round

The most obvious use for a greenhouse is the extended growth period. You’ll be able to grow multiple varieties of plants all year round. That means you’ll be able to harvest fresh vegetables even in the middle of winter. 

Some hardy vegetables like Brussel sprouts can grow in snow, but more delicate plants like lettuce might not survive without the help of a greenhouse. 

The greenhouse will create the perfect conditions for these more sensitive plants to survive throughout winter. This makes it possible to enjoy fresh ingredients even at the coldest time of the year. No need to buy tasteless veggies and salad ingredients from the shops. 


2. You’ll have an extended growing season

Another benefit of a greenhouse is the extended growing season. You’ll be able to start growing delicate plants long before they come into season and as a result also be able to harvest much sooner than usual. You’ll also be able to grow a second round if you time it well. This will allow you to grow a much larger crop overall. 

Your plants will be ready for harvest far sooner than any available in the supermarket. You’ll also be harvesting long after the season is over for everyone else. 


3. It’s possible to start seeds earlier for an earlier yield

With a greenhouse, you’ll be able to start your seeds far sooner. You won’t need to wait for the ground to defrost and the weather to clear up. Simply start your seeds in a seedling tray inside your greenhouse. 

It’s possible to adjust the conditions inside the greenhouse to suit your needs. Delicate plants and seedlings will be protected giving you a higher yield as well as an earlier yield since you aren’t limited by environmental conditions outside of the greenhouse. 


4. Practice your gardening hobby even in the worst weather

Is gardening your escape from the stress of everyday life? Then a greenhouse is definitely for you. You’ll be able to enjoy caring for your plants and digging around in the soil even during the worst weather conditions. 

A greenhouse is designed in such a way that you and your plants will be protected against wind, rain and snow. You might never want to leave again. 


5. You can grow plants from all over the world 

Do you like the idea of growing a collection of exotic plants? Look no further. A greenhouse will help you to recreate the growing conditions of even the fussiest and most delicate of plants. You’ll be able to grow plants from the hottest climates in your backyard in the UK even in winter. 

The greenhouse will also help you to protect your plants against excessive rain, cold winds and frost. This makes it possible to grow plants that need a lot of heat without much water such as succulents. You can then sell your exotic collection to local nurseries to make a bit of money in the process as well. 

Lawn tools

6. Less likelihood of pests

One of the most important benefits of a greenhouse is pest control. You’ll be able to keep beneficial insects in and destructive ones out. This means you can grow organic produce without the worry of pests destroying your crop. No pesticides will be required which saves on costs and makes your veggies much healthier to consume. 

A greenhouse will also help to isolate vulnerable plants and make it much easier to control existing pests. Keep the humidity and temperature just right and you should have healthy plants in no time. 


7. Customise the greenhouse for your benefit

Your greenhouse can house multiple different plants with different growing requirements at the same time. You can modify the area to suit the specific plant you want to grow. One area for instance can have water-loving plants while another has succulents. 

You’ll just need to modify how everything gets watered and how much airflow is required to keep the humidity level stable. You can also modify your greenhouse as a storage area for your gardening tools and outdoor furniture. If you spend a lot of time here, you can even create a stunning seating area inside your greenhouse where you can simply relax and enjoy your plants. 


8. Save money

In time, your greenhouse will pay for itself. You’ll be able to overwinter expensive delicate plants, grow veggies all year round, store your outdoor furniture and even grow expensive exotic plants that you can sell later on. 

All of these will save you money in the long run or even make you money. You won’t need to buy new plants every spring since your overwintered plants are still good to go. You’ll also save money on buying veggies if you grow your own and your furniture will last much longer before needing to be replaced. 

Outdoors garden

9. Increase your yield

A greenhouse allows you to control the conditions your plants grow in. Controlling the heat and humidity around your plants has the added benefit of higher yields. More temperate climates are usually ideal for plant growth after all. By keeping the environment warm you set up your plants for a better yield. 

Fruit producing plants will produce more juicy delicacies while others will grow at a much faster rate than usual, even when it’s freezing outside. You will also notice your plants producing much earlier in the season than their unprotected counterparts. 

You might even be able to get two or even three rounds of crops a season where unprotected crops only yield one usable harvest. 


10. Spend time outdoors in winter

A greenhouse allows you to get some much needed outdoor time even when the weather is terrible. You’ll be able to relax in your greenhouse to get some much-needed sunshine sheltered from the icy wind and snow. 

If it’s raining, you can simply sit back and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere away from home where everything is chaos. Best of all, you can still do gardening even when the ground outside is frozen solid. 

Greenhouse C | 3.1 x 2.1m ( 10'2" x 6'10")


Buyer’s Guide

Now that you see how beneficial a greenhouse can be, take a look at the following tips before you buy one. Greenhouses come in different sizes after all so there are a few things you need to pay attention to. Here’s what you need to know. 



The first thing you need to consider when getting a greenhouse is space. If you have a very small garden, then a greenhouse might not work for you. You can still get a very small one, but this will limit what you can do with it. 

To make sure the greenhouse will suit your garden, it’s best to measure out the space where you want to set it up. This will give you an idea of how big the greenhouse can be. 



The next thing you need to look into is the design of the greenhouse. Different greenhouses are made from different materials. You will need to decide what kind of material you want for your greenhouse. 

In some cases, a greenhouse is simply made from shade cloth but it can also have tempered glass or even just plastic sheeting for walls. Some have glass roofs as well while others have shade cloth or special polycarb plastic sheeting for a roof. Make sure you know what you want before you decide to buy a greenhouse. 

Greenhouse NO 2 | (3 x 4.25 m / 12.75m2)


The next thing you need to consider is what you want to use it for. If you want to grow veggies, then it needs to be at least big enough for a little garden patch. If you want to also store your garden furniture and tools as well, then you might want to go for a bigger one. 

You can also do container gardening in a greenhouse as well as vertical gardening so you don’t also have to go for the biggest greenhouse since you have a lot of vertical space to work with. 

If you want to use your greenhouse as an outdoor conservancy and enjoy some outdoor time in winter, then a greenhouse with glass walls will most likely work best for you. 



Your budget will be the ultimate decision-maker, however. It's advised to decide how much you are willing to spend on your greenhouse and keep to your budget. It will also help you not get into trouble by spending too much. Stick to what you can afford and upgrade once you’re able. 

Setting a budget will also help you to avoid any disappointment. You will most likely only look for a greenhouse in your budget so you won’t be tempted by the ones you can’t afford just yet. 

Greenhouse NO1 | (3,55 x 3 m, 10,65 m2)


A greenhouse is a wonderful invention. It will help you to produce fresh fruits and vegetables all year round, protect sensitive plants over winter, help you to expand your exotic collection and even give you a place to chill when the weather isn’t at its best. 

Now it’s time to get shopping.